sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Sem Título :') - Uma Música de Verdade

Primeiro Beijo

Recebi o teu bilhete/

Para ir ter ao jardim./
A tua caixa de segredos/
Queres abri-la para mim?/

E tu não vais fraquejar,/
Ninguém vai saber de nada./
Juro, não me vou gabar/
A minha boca é sagrada/

De estar mesmo atrás de ti/
Ver-te da minha carteira./
Sei de cor o teu cabelo/
Sei o shampôo a que cheira./
Já não como, já não durmo/
E eu caia se te minto./
Haverá gente informada,/
Se é AMOR isto o que sinto./

Quero o meu primeiro beijo!/
Não quero ficar impune!/
E dizer-te cara a cara:/
Muito mais é o que nos une/
Que aquilo que nos separa/

Promete lá outro encontro/
Foi tão fugaz que nem deu./
Para ver como era o fogo/
Que a tua boca prometeu!/

Pensava que a tua
Sabia a flor do Jasmim./
Sabe a chicla de mentol/
E eu gosto dela assim!/

Quero o meu primeiro beijo!/
Não quero ficar impune!/
E dizer-te cara a cara:/
Muito mais é o que nos une/
Que aquilo que nos separa/

Quero o meu primeiro beijo!/
Não quero ficar impune!/
E dizer-te cara a cara:/
Muito mais é o que nos une/
Que aquilo que nos separa!

Rui Veloso

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008

A Espera

Espero por ti nas horas mais altas da noite,
Fecho os olhos e ouço o som da tua voz bem perto do meu ouvido.
Sinto o teu toque na minha pele fria
E só desejo que me abraces.

Deixo-me ficar quieta no centro da cama
Enquanto espero em vão a tua companhia.
Sonhos assaltam-me a mente, a alma
E de repente uma súbita nostalgia

Enche-me o espírito e transpiro
Este ar que respiro
Não estás aqui do meu lado, onde deverias estar
Sinto-te, desejo-te e vejo-te em todo o lugar.

Não consegui adormecer.
Esperei o dia amanhecer para continuar assim.

À tua espera.

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008

Searching for a Metaphor

Joanna was a little girl who had a dream: be able to dream!
She suffered from a disease that forbid her do dream when she was sleeping.
She was a sad little girl because, deep down, she wasn't as the other little girls and boys were. She always had good nights of sleep, but every night, before going to bed, she desired that Someone from up above could give her the gift to have a small dream or even a nightmare.
She was tired of having nothing to comment on with her friends at school and, one day, she wrote a letter in order to expell her sadness.
In that letter she wrote:

"It's so hard no to be able to dream at night! Everyday, from the bottom of my heart I wish to have a dream about butterflies, birds or even dragons!
I feel stucked in my own mind!
"Oh! How I wished to be a butterfly, so I would be able to fly all over the world and would meet a bunch of new things. It would be just like a dream: every new day I flew would be like a new dream. A new happiness."

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

First and Third Person Narratives Recounts

First Person:

I woke up on the sofa again at 9 o'clock, I felt asleep watching television one more time.
I got up and when I was going to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast I suddenly realised in what a mess my living-room was.
Instantly I realised that not only was my living-room destroyed, but also my room, kitchen and dinning-room.
I couldn't understand why I haven't woken up during the assault. During the time that someone was taking without permission my personal computer, my television, radio, money and jewellery.
I was so astonished by what had happened.
Why me?
I then decided to call the police and start cleaning my house.
Hoping that future would bring some good news...

Third Person:

The Police arrived around 9:30 to Miss Rogers house.
According to what she said, when she called them, her house has been robbed during the night and the thieves had taken great part of her belongings.
The Police started acting as great proffessionals and start trying to collect anything that would help finding the criminals.
In the dinning room the police had found a shoe print that didn't correspond to any of the victim's shoes, furthermore, they recollected fingerprints in the front door that had been broken.
Later that night, Miss Rogers was called to the Police Station, not to identify someone, but to receive some of her things that have been robbed and that the police had found.
However, and despite the fact that the police already found out who the thieves were, they couldn't arrest them, because they managed to escape later that night.

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Am I a beautiful disaster?

Am I a beautiful disaster?

Sinto-me forte.
Com uma força tal que sei que sou capaz de mudar uma vida só para encontrar um final feliz.

Quando pensava que a inspiração me tinha fugido, ela encontrou-me através de uma música.
Esta música.

Jon Mclaughin_ Beautiful Disaster


I need someone to take me home! :)*